Thursday, 30 January 2014

how to get motivated to exercise

I often get asked - how do you do it.

You must be very motivated!

sorry to dispell the myth but - I am no more motivated than anyone else out there.

 I would call myself "Event Motivated". I only get up to exercise if I am training for a big event. If I don't have a reason to train I can be a couch potato like everyone else. I have just found my mojo thats all. the most common thing I hear people say is I'm too tired to exercise or I don't have time. I have to get up early to exercise. I figure I am going to be tired at about 2-3pm in the afternoon it may was well be for a good reason rather than no reason at all. But here is the kicker.... once I got used it I found I actually had MORE energy not less. Things got easier. I remember thinking back about my first Ironman Campaign in 2010. I had never got up before 5:30am to train in the morning but found myself getting up and on the bike by 4:30am doin 2 & 1/2 hours of riding then having a quick breakfast, shower and off to work. I would then work a full day without feeling the need for a sleep. Sure when I got home I was exhausted and was often in bed early but seriously what was I missing.... some bad tv! How many of us just sit there and what something cause nothing else is on!
I know I am guilty of this one.

I also find that the fresh air in the morning is fantastic for my mood. I live in a beautiful part of the world which is nice and quiet. Fortunately we are too far away from anywhere for many people as a result I can often ride for 40km in the morning and only see 1-2 cars. Makes sharing the road easy. It is great doing hill repeats at the top of mount Clarence watching the sun rise over the harbour or running on the boardwalk with whales playing in the waters below. How can that not make you smile just a little.

So next time you think .... I am too tired to exercise remember ... you are going to feel tired anyway it may as well be for a good reason! Get out there and do it.

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