I have been struggling in the past 6 weeks. For some people my excuse is a reason but really it is just an excuse. I need to be kinder to myself and start behaving like an adult!!
2013 Recap
1. Finished Ironman New Zealand - number 4 for me and my slowest time but the time I deserved given my training.2. Played a pivotal role in moving thelocal 120 bed hospital and discovered some management skills I didn't know I had.
3. Completed my first 12WBT round on lean and strong. Dropped about 6kg from Warm-up to the end of the round and went to Finale. What a buzz that was.
4. Finished Busselton Half Ironman in a new PB and then Mandurah Half Ironman in another PB under 5:30 mark for the first time.
5. Got my weight to 72.5kg for the first time in nearly 20 years.
There was only one big thing for year. My father passed away in November and from this point things have been a little off track.Being Kind
So I am a generous person (probably to a fault). I come from a family of volunteers who have always helped other often before themselves. I have to say I am not looking after myself very well at the moment and I am not being kind to myself.I have kept my diet on track at times but I have also let the inner Labrador out to play a little too often. I have allowed myself to eat want I want rather than what I need. As a result I am now starting the year back at 75kg (only 3 kg off my goal but mentally I long way off).
Exercise has also been hit and miss. I am riding the wave of my past fitness to get myself through things at the moment and because my mental state is not good I have allowed the excuses to creep in. I feel tired all the time and I am not sleeping well but exercise will help with this more than lying in bed feeling sorry for myself will. It is terrible how we can manage to spiral into a pit of self loathing. I also managed to injury my knee (just swelling not anything more serious) but I decided not the run for a few weeks.
I am not sounding very kind to myself at present!
I have also been skipping the mindset videos even though I know these are such a critical part of the 12WBT program.
Be Real
So reality check time:1. time to eat better. Set my menu programs. Make plans for meal when I travel and when I am in Perth. Bring Lunch every day to work and a snack.
2. Get moving EVERYDAY. I have found a nice yogo app. So I will stretch every night with this for 10 minutes and meditate a little too. Walk if I can't run, Swim and get back to my happy place - on my bike with the sun rising over Princess Royal Harbour.
3 Just get on and do things. Keep the TV off. Have a little less facebook time and avoid candy crush (you all know what I mean!)
4. Keep contact with friends. I am not good at this and I don't socialise well. So I need to go out more and have a drink with friends.
5. Relax more (doesn't sound like this goes well with exercise....) Don't worry about things I have no control over. Share the load.