Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Being kind to myself and other new years resolutions.

So welcome to 2014.

I have been struggling in the past 6 weeks. For some people my excuse is a reason but really it is just an excuse. I need to be kinder to myself and start behaving like an adult!!

2013 Recap


1. Finished Ironman New Zealand - number 4 for me and my slowest time but the time I deserved given my training.
2. Played a pivotal role in moving thelocal 120 bed hospital and discovered some management skills I didn't know I had.
3. Completed my first 12WBT round on lean and strong. Dropped about 6kg from Warm-up to the end of the round and went to Finale. What a buzz that was.
4. Finished Busselton Half Ironman in a new PB and then Mandurah Half Ironman in another PB under 5:30 mark for the first time.
5. Got my weight to 72.5kg for the first time in nearly 20 years.


There was only one big thing for year. My father passed away in November and from this point things have been a little off track.

Being Kind

So I am a generous person (probably to a fault). I come from a family of volunteers who have always helped other often before themselves. I have to say I am not looking after myself very well at the moment and I am not being kind to myself.
I have kept my diet on track at times but I have also let the inner Labrador out to play a little too often.  I have allowed myself to eat want I want rather than what I need. As a result I am now starting the year back at 75kg (only 3 kg off my goal but mentally I long way off).
Exercise has also been hit and miss. I am riding the wave of my past fitness to get myself through things at the moment and because my mental state is not good I have allowed the excuses to creep in. I feel tired all the time and I am not sleeping well but exercise will help with this more than lying in bed feeling sorry for myself will. It is terrible how we can manage to spiral into a pit of self loathing. I also managed to injury my knee (just swelling not anything more serious) but I decided not the run for a few weeks.

I am not sounding very kind to myself at present!

I have also been skipping the mindset videos even though I know these are such a critical part of the 12WBT program.

Be Real

So reality check time:
1. time to eat better. Set my menu programs. Make plans for meal when I travel and when  I am in Perth. Bring Lunch every day to work and a snack.

2. Get moving EVERYDAY. I have found a nice yogo app. So I will stretch every night with this for 10 minutes and meditate a little too. Walk if I can't run, Swim and get back to my happy place - on my bike with the sun rising over Princess Royal Harbour.

3 Just get on and do things. Keep the TV off. Have a little less facebook time and avoid candy crush (you all know what I mean!)

4. Keep contact with friends. I am not good at this and I don't socialise well. So I need to go out more and have a drink with friends.

5. Relax more (doesn't sound like this goes well with exercise....) Don't worry about things I have no control over. Share the load.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Still hanging in there

It has been a busy month.... not enough time to blog.... not enough time to exercise (and not in the mental space to get myself moving)... but at least I have mostly controlled my diet.

So time for a check in....

1. I have finally got to 72kg which is a 25 BMI for me. This is the first time I have managed this is about 20 years. Just goes to show it's all about the food. I love the 12WBT food it is healthy and tasty and I usually feel full.

2. I have been running. Probably not enough but some. I have an 18km run next weekend and I am hoping my base will get me across the  line. As long as I look after myself I should be fine! I am in a team for an adventurethon but fortunately my fellow team members selected me for my ability to complete rather than raw speed.

3. I seem to have forgotten what my bike is for. I have barely been on my bike for about 4 weeks since the half in Mandurah. I am doing another half in only 4 weeks and have limited options for training. Oh well I didn't train much on the bike for Mandurah either and was OK.

4. I have been super busy with the local triathlon club. I am currently president and this has meant lots of organising. We have a big state calendar event next year which I need to get cracking an organising. Have done some of the local bits but now have some big bits to do as a result I am not sleeping well. I really just need to get over it and get it done.


At least I have had some wins.

I have also been doing a 30 day plank challenge with some friends and managed an amazing 5 minute CONTINOUOUS plank on the last day. that's about 3 minutes longer than I normally manage.

So it just goes to show even when your life takes a turn it is possible not to destroy all your goals.

Lots of people have told me to be a bit kind on myself..... I think that includes looking after myself.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

It's how you handle the hard times that count.

I know the mantra of "NoExcuses" and I know this does not apply to this situation... although in some ways it still does.

On Tuesday last week my father passed away somewhat suddenly although he had been unwell for a time. I am sad at his passing but also did not want to see him suffer and so am also fairly at peace at the moment with his death.

I have wonderful memories of him and my family have been overwhelmed at the support and genuine shock from so much of the community.

As a way of letting go just a little but also cementing many of the wonderful memories I have let me share a little of what I knew of my father.

He was a very fit may. State level WAFL footballer who trained with Fitzroy in Melbourne when he lived there. He stayed active most of his life, drank a little at times but not much and not often. He and my mother loved the garden and they grew almost everything or had a go at it. They lived on a steep hill with an orchard. Fruit season bought with it apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums, figs, raspberries, strawberries, boysenberries, red currents, pomegranates, pears, apples, oranges and lemons. I call the lettuce on the property feral lettuce (although its a green curly leaf variety) and the asparagus was eaten straight from the ground (tastes great raw if it's fresh). all grown as organically as they could. To name all the vegies would take too long. All the time he stayed fit by walking up and down the 1 in 3 gradient from the house to the garden and the road and back.

I firmly believe it is this fitness that meant the end was sudden, he was still active a month ago but his heart was failing (common trait of our family). Fitness doesn't kill you - it gives you more quality years with your loved ones than you genetics would normally allow. He had outlived his father twice and his grandfather nearly 3 times.

My father also was a giver. I would say he had the courage to lead a generous life. That is all it takes to be generous the willingness to take the risk. After all giving to parts of the community all you risk is your time. We are still trying to collate his life but he has been helping other all his life. From youth hostel in it's early days, football clubs, athletic clubs, Apex, bush fire brigade (member since 1975) and then in late life so much work with landcare and bush care.

2 years ago he was told he had won a citizen  of the year award for the City of Armadale where he lived. He thought it might be the senior of the year award or perhaps the environmental award. If fact it was both.

So Exercise for me has been less than ideal this week... I think I have a bit of an excuse, but diet has been OK. There is so much lovely food here but fortunately it's healthy and healthy choices are often easier.

Next week is his funeral so I suspect it is going to be a tough week but he had quite a sense of humour and as he didn't talk to us about his wished for the service we are trying to make it relevant to him. An ex-senator is leading the service (family friend who is honoured to be asked) and a local elder is doing a welcome to country and then we are playing a song selected by his 8 year old granddaughter - she found an appropriate piece by one direction. Not sure too many 73 years old men have one direction played at their funeral, but he was unconventional in so many ways.

I only hope when my time here is done on earth I can have people look back at my life with such fond memories and admiration for the things I have done to make the world a better place.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

The good the bad and the ugly -

So I writing this from Perth. First the good.

I did really well on the weekend. I had travelled to Perth to compete in the Mandurah half ironman (called a 70.3). It was a really hot day and although I had been running well I hadn't really been riding or swimming especially well.

Its funny how the day can go with ironman (including half) racing. The swim is best described as tide assisted - not as strong a tide as last year but solid all the same and amazingly I did a similar time. Maybe the bit of training I had done has paid off.

So on my bike and into the headwind of about 20-30km on the outward bound course. Was pretty happy with how I was riding. Passing a number of other competitors. Found myself swapping lead with a guy called Tristan that I did the same with at Busselton in May. New fast wheels made a difference as despite the head wind I did a smashing time of 2.41 for the bike. Quicker than last year.

By now it was heating up and I could already feel the sun burning my skin (yes I did put lots of sunscreen on but it doesn't seems to help). After my smashing bike leg I had no legs to run and by the time I got to the first aid station at about 2.5km in I was hot.... damn hot.... and in a bad place. Looks like my day was done and at this point I was wondering how I was even going to finish. I suspect when I look at my garmin information later it will show me in quite a bit of distress at this point in time. I struggles along through the next segments to the aid station at about 5km. Here they had the hose out and I hosed myself down, threw ice down my top, drank some water and had some watermelon. So coming out of this station I felt alive again. Maybe I could do this.

I continued to manage the heat as best I could. Walking all the aid stations. I have a "Meeghans rule" this is - its ok to walk all the aid stations and you are still in the aid station for as long as you still have a cup in your hand. Sometimes you need to hold the cup longer than others! I was moving pretty slow compared to how I had been running. I had hoped to run a sub 2 hour half but knew pretty quickly that that was never happening today. On the second lap I was travelling OK, but doing it tough like everyone else and I figured I had missed my chance for a pb. Then I realised that I was actually 2km closer to the finish that I had thought. I could do this I just had to run 3km in 20 minutes.... easy.

So I kicked myself along, told my self not to be such a princess and run strong to the finish - complete with calves threatening to cramp. Then in the finish line while putting a fist in the air to celebrate my PB, I tripped over my weary feet and fell on my knee. Spectacular fall.... not sure if the photographer got it? but could make for a great shot.

So the Good is a PB I had nothing left 5:27 and change 5 minutes quicker than Busselton in May on a tougher day.

So the Bad aint so bad I was hoping to make the world championships and I missed a roll down spot by a tantalizingly close 1 place. If there was one more female place up for grabs I would have got it. I am still really proud of my achievement in coming 10th in my age group and my time would have put higher than this in many other event.

Then the Ugly. This weekend has had some challenges. I got to Perth Friday to find my father in a bad way. Took him straight to ED and by Saturday morning he was in ICU in Armadale then transferred to the Mount Hospital. I spoke to him and said I was still going to compete. He was proud of me and how I went. So now I need to spend some time away from home to sort out some things and help my mum out a bit. Training is going to be challenging at the moment. Haven't got many work out clothes with me (or many clothes at all) and running is going to be a problem with my knee - which is sore from my finishing line stack. But I can control my diet.

There are going to be some challenges ahead - although I think some of this is going to count as beyond my control excuses.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Fitness tests weight gain and other first world problems

So the round is about to start and I have a busy weekend ahead.

So the good things this week

1. Ran a 4:14 km in the fitness test.
Really happy with that

2. Ran 2.65km in the 12 minutes time trial.
happy with that

3. 40 push ups on my toes in 60 seconds.


The no so good.

Haven't been on top of my diet - so have gained a kg

I have gone backwards with the plank - 90 seconds only - and the wall sit - 90 seconds as well.


And the first world problems

My arms are sore from doing the push ups as I haven't done that for a while.

So now it is time to pack up my gear and get ready for a busy weekend of training (my mind) and punishing my body. Mandurah 70.3 is here

1.9km swim
90km cycle and
21.1km run

In 34 degree heat with a 25km head wind for at least half the cycle..... OH well we all compete in the same conditions.

Key will be nutrition and relaxing and enjoying the ride.........

Monday, 4 November 2013

Time to go round again

So I have signed up again for another round. This time I am going to continue my current blog.

Tonight is Preseason task time.

1. Get Real -
Mostly it is my weakness that's a problem - time for me to be an adult. I do over commit myself at times (and am feeling like this at the moment), but I need to learn to relax and enjoy myself. Treat myself the way I deserve. Treat my body like the temple it is!

2. Set your Goals
SMART goal time.
Goal 1 - get through this weekend! I have an event this weekend (a little like my first round). I hope I do well and certainly it may impact on my long term plans. So Goal 1 is relax and enjoy the event on the weekend!

Goal 2 - Half Ironman Albany 5th of January. This is unfinished business for me. I am going to finish this time and would prefer to be under the 6 hour mark. This is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and time based.

My Goal for the end of the round is to run a 10km on the track in under 49 minutes (a PB for me).

Longer term Goals is a PB for Busselton Half Ironman in May and then who knows... I may back up for another ironman in Busselton in 2014 (that would make it 1 per year since 2010)

3. Gear up - definitely got that organised - new shoes again (which I change about every 6 months)

4. Say it loud. - Yep done

5. Kitchen Makeover - not needed this time - although I did clean some things out again last week. My Fridge hasn't looked that empty for a while.

6. Organise and diarise. Now for the tough one - Do I get back on MyFitnessPal and record my calories or do I just stick to a meal plan on the fridge and not sweat the small stuff. I guess for me it will depend on my weight goal. I would like to drop another 2kg and get to 72kg, but this is not a priority! I suspect I won't stick to it again!

In terms of shopping. I am planning to change things a little this round. Prepare my meal plan Friday night or Saturday morning, but use the meal plan for the week and start the week on Saturday! I think this will work better for me.

Now I just need to do the fitness test this week and measure up.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Weight Free Wins

Not everything is about weight loss... in fact the 12WBT program is so much more than weight loss. It's about setting goals and getting healthy. For me this round was about holding my weight and getting faster.... hence the Fit no longer fat and Fast tag line.

So how is that going for you Meeghan???

Well I am definitely getting faster!

Time trial is this week and I will try and do this on the weekend - once I am rested but last weekend I went away with a great group of ladies and competed in one of the longest running adventure races in WA. The Blackwood marathon relay is a true country multisport event. I competed in the run - a lazy 11.2km run over hills. The second leg is kayak, then just to prove that not all events are uncivilised we all stop for lunch. After lunch the swimmer take off (and cover some of the kayak course hence the need to stop), they then tag (often with the help of the runner) the horse rider (yes it has equestrian as well) who finally tags the cyclist (road not mountain bike). PHEW.

Mean while the rest of your team are madly running around and driving in long convoys to get from one leg start to the next. With 180 teams that's a long convoy!

So how did I go - obviously by the first comment - very very well. I have been doing some track work to improve my speed and I got to say it is working! I was expecting to run a respectable 1 hour after all I ran 51 minutes for 10km in June and this was on a flat course. I had trained hard all week (but did take Friday off) and the first 2km were up a nasty hill.

Time: 55.08 for the 11.2km

Pretty happy with that.

Unfortunately the profile doesn't look as hilly as it felt.

Additional to this I have also had a little bit of help with my swim technique and now am swimming like a fish (especially with the tide at Emu Point - with the sharks). This week I am also investing in ZIPP wheels (404 clinchers for those who know about these things). These were the treat I offered myself 2 years ago if I could get to 74kg, which I have now held steady at for the last 18 weeks!

So now I am in my taper for the Mandurah Half Ironman - a warm up of 1.9km swim followed by a 90km cycle (which is the warm up for the run) then a 21.1km Run. There are 70 world champion spots across ironman and half ironman world champs up for grabs - who knows my luck in a big city!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Why are people unkind?

I know that I am not alone. I know I have lots of support. I am never going to be a sensational athlete I just done have the body for it. I lack that one big thing called raw talent but what I lack in talent I make up for in tenacity.

For me I am running well at the moment.

This is why when I am celebrating how well I am running for me I don't appreciate the sarcastic comments by others. Why are people so unkind!

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Quietly getting on with the training

So I have been a little quite this last couple of week. Busy is part of it, but also I have been especially busy training.

I would love to say everything is going great but its going OK instead.

I am still struggling with my diet.... I am letting myself down most weeks. Falling back into the old excuses that got me to the weight I was. Fortunately this hasn't been a complete scream off the rails just some minor glitches but there have been too many of them.

I have been keeping stable with my weight which is definitely a big win. I would rather be dropping the kg a fraction but I don't deserve better numbers as I haven't been maintaining the control I need to achieve this. In essence I am getting the result I deserve for the work I have been putting in.

Training wise I have done quiet well last week - about 13 hours for the week but this week hasn't been as good. This isn't unusual at this point in my program and I am not worried about it too much.

So I need to get my act together this week as I am away AGAIN.

I am staying with my sister and her family this time which is good and bad. I am taking my breakfast (current favourite bircher Brekky) with me, lunch is provided at the course and dinner I will have to take what is on offer.

Also packing my training gear and will go for at least 1 run and perhaps do an video workout as well while I am away.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Good training week

So this week has been great.

Food intake has been ok not perfect but who is? Plus the extra exercise has made me hungry. I need food to fuel my training.

Training has been fantastic
Monday got a run in.
Tuesday was a 50km bike ride before work.
Wednesday was bodybalance in the  morning then a 14km run in the afternoon including a 2km segment at under 5 min km pace. Really happy with this.
Then another 50km+ effort today and a 1.8km swim tonight.

I have a friend keen for a ling 100km ride on Saturday. So thus with another run will probably give me 13 hours of training for the week.

That should do it.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Time to get serious

Got to say this round has not been as fabulous as my last round.

1. I haven't been on the forums as much - Lean and Strong are such a great, focused and talkative bunch. Lean and Fit no so much as some of us are doing our own thing - Including me.

2. My weight has been stable - still at around the 73-74kg mark. Diet as has not been good so this is my own fault. No one else to blame.

This week I am getting better organised and NOT buying extra food. I don't need it, I am not training the house down in fact even a heavy week is probably not that much more exercise than many 12WBT people are doing just following the program. So I do not deserve extra food and do not need it!

3. I am finding it easy to find excuses not to exercise. I am sure I will be OK with my event (and hopefully I can do well) but it is really easy to be slack when you have such a strong base.

This weekend has been a mixed bag - lots of couch time! but I needed that a little.

Got a long hard ride in on Saturday - 70km up to 45km/h with the big boys (and small ones - including the current under 15 junior Australian champion) they were kind and waited - and helped when I got a flat! Pretty happy with my 5 minute change and only a little help from the boys.

Sunday woke with a sore back - too much sitting and not enough stretching (need the challenge this week) so I went and did the body balance class. Great Stretch and strength and relaxation.

Today I got back into it with a good solid 45 minute run. 8 x 400m efforts so now I have a dog asleep on the couch snoring. a happy dog none the less. Then I called in and swapped dogs with a friend and took her little dog for a run. I ran to my 1km time trial course and did that - not rested so was a little slow 4:38 but happy enough with this. Now her dog will be a little quieter too (she is sick at the moment and can't run her dog herself).

I have cooked up a storm today.

Extra dinner for lunch tomorrow. Have a meeting tomorrow night so I have cooked tomorrows dinner and enough for lunch on  Wednesday. Breakfast is all sorted for a few days with a big batch of Bircher Brekki (bit of a fav of mine - acutally lots of the breakfast are!)

The other reason why I don't think I am doing as well this round is I haven't been watching the mindset videos. The mindset lessons or more importantly the headspace they help you get into is the key to the program. I know this and yet I don't make the time for them.... sigh. I should know better.

Time to catch up a little - but tonight it is early to bed - Got a date with my bike tomorrow morning starting at 5am and riding about 50km. Thats starting to get some serious training!

Friday, 27 September 2013

Triathlon Terminology

I guess as I keep talking about half's and full's etc I had better explain triathlon lingo


Sport involving 3 legs, traditionally swim, cycle and run. They are done in this order as if you are tired in a swim you might drown, and tired on a bike you might fall off at speed, but if you get tired on a run it doesn't hurt as much is you fall. That's my theory anyway.


what we call the bits between the swim / cycle and cycle / run. Involves silly things like running to your bike (which might be a long way - was about 800m in New Zealand!) Having special bike shoes so you can tie them to the bike and jump on then put your feet in and ride off. Not very good at this. I use a skoot and swing method, where I skoot with one leg for speed, then swing the other leg over. The other technique is a superman technique where you launch your body onto the bike. Looks great if you can do it and REALLY funny is you miss (everyone laughing except you). Same getting off the bike, shoes stay on and we are big fans of elastic laces (particularly fond of Etenex myself).

Enticer triathlon

Short event designed to try it out. Often only 200m swim, 5-10km ride and 2km run. Short and sharp and very achievable for many people. I wouldn't need to train for this. Often targeted as Women's or tri a tri events.


You have to laugh at triathlon - we call 750m swim, 20km cycle and 5km run a sprint - takes me more than an hour - but hey it's all about perspective.

Classic or Olympic Triathlon

Often called Olympic before it was in the Olympics. It is a traditional length of 1.5km swim, 40km cycle and 10km run. Takes me just under 3 hours for one of these and at this point I probably need to do some training, Although a couple of rides, runs and swims a week is more than enough to finish and finish strong. Lots of great events like Noosa are this length. World championships in age groups is competitive for this and requires you to attend many events to gain points.

Half Ironman

This is the baby endurance event -  1.9km swim, 90km cycle and a full half ironman. Also called 70.3 events when badged by the international ironman organisation. There is a world championship that you have to qualify for but it is by "roll down". I will explain this later.

These take me about 5:30-6 hours depending on my fitness and the conditions. Best time is just over 5:32. This is what I am currently training for in Mandurah in November. The cut off to finish is 7:30.
Training often involves 10-14 hours per week (if you take it seriously)


These are the real endurance events. 3.8km swim, 180km on the bike then a lazy 42.2 marathon to finish. Running the marathon becomes optional. You have 17 hours to finish the event. Pro male competitors do it in about 8 hours (just a day at the office). I am a half day girl. Best time was 11:57 but am usually somewhere between 12 -13 hours. It takes up to 20 hours of training a week and pretty much takes over your life!

Here is my collection on medals and a towel from 2008 Busselton half (my first half).

Roll Down

Each branded ironman and 70.3 event allows people to qualify for the world championships. Ironman is always in Hawaii at KONA. the half is going to be moving around but was in Las Vegas. So there are only so many spots up for grabs. Each age group gets one, then the biggest age groups get allocated more according to size. From here it is easy, First gets offered it first, then second then third and so on until they run out of people or spots. Any unused from one age group goes to the biggest age groups. There are a couple of rules but
1. you must be present at the roll down ceremony
2. you must accept and PAY for your spot at the time - no rain checks - no can I use it next year.

So IF everything goes to plan and I do really well at Mandurah I am planning to attend the roll down on the off change that others aren't that interesting in going to either
1. KONA (there are 20 spots to this) or
2. 70.3 Worlds (??? not sure where) - 40 spots up for grabs.

This would fulfil a dream of mine - not necessarily a SMART goal as the achievable relies on others but a dream none the less.  

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Long run

Finally got back into my running so I thought I'd boast about tonight's mammoth effort!

I was suppose to run this morning but the weather was terrible - Severe weather warning with recommendations to stay indoors or seek shelter away from trees and power lines - I think that constitutes a good reason to not go for a run!

So this afternoon I dusted myself off and went for a long needed long run. Couldn't take Sasha my dog for the whole run - it was going to be too long - so she just tagged along for the first 6km then I dropped her home and headed out for the remaining 9km.

The 1000 + calories was pretty good too.

So tomorrow I will ride and run in the morning and swim in the afternoon - I am staring to feel like I might still be OK for the Half Ironman in November - only 6 weeks to go!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

I am back and busy but whats new

So I am back from my trips away. I have been away in Cairns for most of the last week, essentially as far away from Albany as I can go without falling off the country. The Conference was great but I have to say I really let myself go!

Eating out every night!
Ice cream for dessert!
Not very much exercise!
Sitting on my bottom most of the day at a conference!!!

So on the scales this morning (clothed) I weighed in at 76kg - 2kg up on my pre-going away weight!

So it's time to knuckle down and start being an adult.

My promise to myself this week

1. train and train hard - that mean 90 minutes of running tomorrow (30 in the morning and 60 at night), Ride and a Swim on Thursday! and a long ride and run on the weekend.

2. Eat well and clean - time to cook dinner and lunch tomorrow. Take some snacks and stick to the plan.

3. Sleep well and get to bed early!

Easy right !

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Relaxing weekend

So I am over the first road bump - Craft weekend away with girl friends.

In terms of stress level and relaxation it was a FANTASIC weekend. Got lots and lots of craft done....

In terms of food and exercise not so good.

Felt like I spent the weekend eating but it was actually healthy food like pea and ham soup, fruit and wholemeal pancakes for breakfast. Prawn and Feta pizza for dinner Friday night. Only drank 4 bottles of champagne between 5 of us all weekend.

So it probably wasn't too bad

AND I did manage to go for a lovely run in the country side yesterday (not a long run but it was a quality run). Had to watch out for the swooping magpies.

One lovely thing about the location of our craft weekend is that it is a mobile phone blackspot - so no ipads or phones all weekend. Just some music playing in the background and we did turn the news on for 20 minutes last night to see who won the footy. Great to reduce the stress levels and checkout for a little while with good friends.

Now onto the next bump in the road - Cairns for a conference for the week.

It's a tough life but someone has to live it

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Feeling good and on track but road bumps ahead

Check in time.

And at the moment its all going pretty good.

Friday was a day off
Saturday I got a great 1200 cal 150minute 70km bike ride in
Sunday I had the morning off. Did a little gardening, caught up with some old friends then went for a 8km run in the afternoon.
Monday was a run in the morning with 2 dogs in tow this time as I am dog sitting at present.
Tuesday got up and rode for an hour - messed up the session a bit but got it in and 500 cal as well.
This morning was wet and wide so I did the full Bend it like Bridges Video - love a good stretch.

So not perfect but pretty happy this that.

Food has been OK. With the higher intensity sessions I have had to up the calories.... but the weight is holding now and down to 73.4kg.

Snacks are again my problem - I really haven't planned them well! but at least the weight is stable.

now for the challenges!

So I am a little better organised this week - easier without my hubby but I am away this weekend on a girls craft weekend in the country side.

My plan is
1. Bring the 12wbt prawn pizza to have Friday night - delicious anyway so it will be easy to share.
2. Take the running clothes. - AND run preferably a long run.
3. exercise on Friday morning to allow myself a day of on Saturday or Sunday.

Then next week gets even harder.

Wednesday morning I fly out to Cairns  - the long way via Sydney for a conference. To day Wednesday will be a write off is an understatement. Food is going to be tough all week, but I will just have to concentrate and make good choices.

I will run daily and perhaps get in a swim - if there is a pool at the hotel, but it is going to be busy. Conference Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Conference dinner Saturday night then back to Perth Sunday (late afternoon). Overnight in Perth Sunday and back to work Monday after a 4 hour drive home


So the Goal will be - Exercise 6 out of 7 days and hold my weight stable. Anything under 74kg I will call a success!

Next weigh in is going to be 2 weeks away!

Thursday, 5 September 2013

It's all starting to come together

So the training is coming along.

I feel like it's all starting to come together.

Wins this week include
1. Eating well - bit more due to the high intensity work outs
2. Running well and longer runs - 10km Monday and 4km Wednesday.
took the dogs running with us this week

As you can see - Sasha was looking really happy for the run. She didn't look so good after. I met the challenge this week well and ran both times with a friend (who is not doing 12wbt). Great motivation and she brings her dog too.

Jaz on the other hand looked a little tired afterwards.

3. Got some great rides in this week too. 80 minutes (and 600cal) and the windtrainer doing intervals on Tuesday and 90 minutes (870 cal) this morning on the road.

Other goals like getting in the water I haven't managed yet this week, and limited myself to 1 coffee per day isn't working so well.

But there is always tomorrow... up early (ish) and down the beach as it's getting lighter. Swim, shower at the beach breakfast, coffee with friends and then off to work. Going dancing tomorrow night.

Sounds like a plan.........

Sunday, 1 September 2013

So how's the week been for you?

Time to check in - keep up the accountability - and ask the all important question

How's the week been for you?

Yep it's check in time. I started the week with almost no food in the house - quickly fixed by a shop on Monday night. Printed my plans on Sunday night and wrote a shopping list, then forgot a couple of things on the list - sigh.

Breakfasts have been simple (actually maybe not so simple) but tasty favourites. Apple and Ricotta
Toast, Baked beans and avocado on toast and my all time favourite yesterday French toast with maple syrup and berries. Amazingly I purchased a bottle of maple syrup (not maple flavoured syrup) early last round and it's still going 3 month later. Shows I really can restrain myself with this.

Lunches have been a mixture of pockets and leftovers and salad. Tuna and homemade coleslaw on Monday, antipasto pocket Tuesday, leftovers Wednesday and Thursday and tuna and coleslaw (without the pocket) on Friday. I had to laugh, my work colleagues asked what dressing I was using and I said yoghurt. They turned their noses up - I had bought in a tub of strawberry yoghurt to have as an afternoon snack. They thought I had mixed this through the coleslaw -ewhh.

To digress for a minute, in the meditation lesion the teacher was telling us about the monks in monasteries and their daily routines. Breakfast is porridge and dinner is tea or soup. Lunch however is the feast of the day, but you can only have what you can fit into a single bowl. It also depends what is donated to the monastery that day. So they have vegetables from the garden they tend and whatever is donated into the same bowl. Hence if it's dhal and strawberry pavlova then that's what is in the single bowl. Not sure some of those taste sensations are going to take off!

Dinner this week has been great as usual. Lamb and cauliflower mash, dhal and I can't believe its not butter chicken (which is quite good and has rave reviews). Clearly I customise my menu quite a bit! Soup at a friends place on Thursday night and Friday night was a treat meal - take away roast pork from the butcher in town with carrots and pumpkin.


Training has been reasonable considering the weather. Monday was body pump (but no run in the afternoon due to bad weather), Tuesday was on the computer trainer (for my bike) with a tempo ride through the Pyrenees foothills. 450cal later and a small run round the block to finish off (and get to 500 cal). Wednesday was another run and half the bend it like bridges video with a friend.

Thursday was a special ride in memory of Mark Rimell who passed away this week. Black armbands over my bright pink top and I smashed out 90 minutes on the road and a whopping 988 cal! no wonder I was a bit hungry at work!!

Friday was a rest day and Saturday I did 2 rounds of the SSS and a run with the plan to do the cycle race in the after noon. However race was cancelled due to 100km/h winds and a tricky causeway in the cross breeze! So I had a lazy day instead. Then planned a good ride with the group on Sunday. There were some fast riders at this one including the current under 17 men's state champion and some much faster riders. I was thinking I was going to bid them farewell but I hung in there and met up with them at the top of Frenchman bay hill. Then the fun started - 65km/h down the hill and holding 40km/h on the flat at the bottom and I was taking my turn. The boys we laughing at me cursing getting into the wrong part of the pack but I did really well. Lots of "what have you been on" questions and a couple of suggestions I have been getting into the EPO at work!

I know 24km/h average isn't fast but in the strong wind and up hills it was good for me.

Challenges for the new week

So this week it
1. Train daily (except Friday that is now my rest day but I do go tango dancing with Murray on a Friday night)
2. Get in the pool and swim
3. Eat clean and snack well
4. keep my coffee intake to 1 per day

Here  is lunch all organised for Monday and Tuesday -

So the Question is again.....

How's you week been?

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Sad day for Albany

Today has been a sad day in Albany, the world lost a wonderful inspiring man.

I feel the need to share a little of his story to the world via this blog.... he taught many of us how to live life ... to the full and with purpose .... he inspired the best in all of us.

In fact the comment I made today - is that he even managed to die of cancer well.

Mark started many years ago - more than 20 years ago - as a fitness instructor. From memory he was working as a mechanic at the time and I believe he was a state level aerobic champion. He was a very bubbly person and a great instructor - the type that inspires you to get out of bed on a cold morning at 6am!

Over they years I have known him - he has competed in triathlons, cycling and multisport events. I remember him as a tough competitor but also so encouraging.

A few years ago he changed course - and trained as a masseur. He was a cracking good one too! best in town and one of only 2 I have known with incredible control of his hands. He could give you a really hard massage or back off if he needed too - a talent that is not well appreciated.

During this time he continued to live a full and fantastic life. He continued to work as a fitness instructor (mostly around Les Mills classes) but the great thing about Mark's classes is if he forgot the program he just made it up and kept going - didn't miss a beat... You never knew what you would get and sometimes he intended to change things just to mix things up. It was never same old same old with Mark.

I can remember Mark in his crazy days. One day he commented (never complained) that he was a little tired - that weekend he had completed the Blackwood marathon (multisport event), then come home and run the Port to Point (local 10km fun run) with his daughter and was there bright and bubbly Monday morning for pump class. He ran back to back classes RPM then Body Pump before it was really popular. One wondered when he would slow down (if ever) and always so encouraging.

Then one day, about 20 months ago, he down the beach with the kayaks with his family - and he said to me "Don't know if you have heard, I have oesophageal cancer, stage 4 and there is no stage 5". I was stunned. In hind sight he had lost some weight lately but he looked so well. His plan then was to beat the cancer but as a health professional I knew this was really pushing the odds.

His response to this - organize a fundraiser for cancer council - Bollywood party and planking competition (what else). By the time this came round he had started chemotherapy and it was bighting a bit - but still he was there smiling as always.

He embraced the chemotherapy with vigour, looking after him self as best he could and doing everything to get the best out of the therapy. At this stage he responded well - but not completely. He was still around and kept everyone up to date. When ever he saw people he was smiling and asked how they were. He got out on his bike when he could and he even completed in a couple of events including some kayak events (he figured what did he have to lose).

All through this time - when he was well enough he would come and join in and take a little of his classes - sometimes mid chemotherapy cycle!

I hadn't seen Mark for a while but was pretty happy when I got back to Monday Pump class 4 weeks ago to see him out the front taking the class - I knew things weren't going well - he had run out of treatment options at this stage and he knew he was dying - but he couldn't think of a better place to be than being out the front of a class inspiring other people. By this stage I noticed he was having some trouble swallowing.

It's really hard to completely express how Mark changed so many lives - he lived it the way we all should - He lead by example and inspired other to do what they thought was impossible.

His final months he worked hard to support others going through the cancer journey. He worked with local services to establish a chemo club - exercise classes for chemotherapy patients. he donated his time to this and joined in providing massages at the fitness expo.

I don't know if this is just rambling and makes any sense but the loss of this fabulous man before his 50th birthday makes no sense - He will continue to inspire me to be the best I can be and I hope he inspires you a little too.

Monday, 26 August 2013

New Week New Focus and a new cold

Well it had to happen eventually. It's the winter cold season and although flu is quite rare this year (and I got to see the stats that prove that yesterday) I have a niggling cold. Just a sore throat at the moment and not even that sore more annoying. I don't even feel especially sick or washed out like you can with a cold.

I do however need to get on and train. It's only 11 weeks to the Mandurah half ironman and although I joke that you don't even need to train for them you actually do! Well at very least you need to have an incredible endurance cardio base which I don't have at the moment.


Recap time

Last week I was away and I didn't exercise much nor eat clean. The trip home was not good having run the 12km at the City to Surf I was peckish to say the least and had many minties and a cheese sausage. I would have eaten way more than the 955cal burnt during the race.
Last week was also about being a better leader but with techniques to be a better me. Now the challenge as always is to practice what you know you should do not what you want to do.

How is that going? 

I got a new focus last week which I wanted to capture the momentum of and make some changes. Most notably around my home and work life. So tasks I set myself to start working on were
- Set goals at work - TICK
- Eat my meals at the table - TICK
- stop and enjoy my coffee at work - NOT YET due to interruptions
- Focus during my training- 50/50 not training as well as I could with my cold or as long as I should but have managed an hour yesterday of Pump and 40 minutes on the bike today with a run and core.
- be mindful when brushing my teeth - TICK
So at present it looks like I am on track for a better week. Snuck onto the scales today and as I suspected they weren't pretty back up to 75kg. Haven't been that heavy for 3 months! Time to get my mojo back.

On going promise to myself

The plan for the rest of the week may be a little dependant on this cold - If I feel washed out or sick I will take it a little easy on myself otherwise
- I will drink more water (going to be good for the cold)
- Maximum of 1 coffee per day - then tea only (herbal or Chai)
- Eat minimal snacks (1 piece of fruit and one other bit)
- Eat clean - stick to the plan
I'll check in later in the week - see how it's all going.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Learning about myself

So this week I have been away in Perth doing a leadership course. I had no idea what to expect from this course and it has been interesting.

This first week has been about us. Who are we, what do we know about ourselves, what sort of a leader are we now and how can we grow and be better leaders, what is a good leader???

For me it was quite a journey of understanding and discovery. Interestingly the mindset lessons which are a big part of the 12wbt program have held me in good stead and helped me with my growth.

Lots of the work this week has been about mindfulness and doing things with purpose.

Or more the point - self control.

This is something we all need to work at, including me.

Other important things I have learnt this week that I need to work at  are:

1. I need to set goals (sounds familiar) I discovered I don't value my achievements as I don't formally set goals or worse I move the goal post when I get close thinking  - that was too easy! As a result I don't reward myself as much.

2. I need to work on building better relationships - deep relationships. I am friendly and I think generally well liked but I lack the kicker of building a strong relationship with people. I am not sure how I am going to do this but I need to work at this better. I guess in part I feel like I end up doing all the work in a friendship (most of the time but not always) and this frustrates me. I need  to be less self focused ! (says she writing a blog that is all about me!) - On a side note last round when the challenge was to hold a 12wbt dinner party I thought - but who would I invite - sad but true.

3. I need to listen more and ask more questions - stop solving the worlds problems and always offering an opinion. Give others the time to find a solution.

Interesting that a leadership course involved a whole afternoon of meditation! but it isn't hard to understand that meditation can help you focus and see the bigger picture (or perhaps the smaller one at times). So I am going to try and focus better on my daily activities.

My commitment for this week (and on going)

* Eat at the kitchen table and taste my food.

* Concentrate on my training and concentrate during my training. Feel the feet on the ground or the contraction of the muscles on the bike... don't drift off and forget the focus of the training effort.

* Be mindful when brushing my teeth, concentrate on the task at hand.

* stop working and enjoy the coffee in the morning. Sit and taste the drink. Then focus on the activity I am doing - avoid going on tangents!

I think this will be enough of a challenge for the week!

Interestingly the importance of goal setting and self control are key to success in the #12wbt program and I am really glad I starting this journey for a better life by applying these mindset lessons to my weight and personal life. Now it's time to apply them other parts of my life - a little at a time.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Time to be a Big girl not a big girls blouse

Challenges for week 2

This week I am off to the big smoke. I have been selected for the emerging leaders in health program and have the first 3 day workshop in Perth this week (I know Perth is hardly the big smoke for many people).

I often don't control my diet well when I am away from home - This teenager left alone with the pantry open! This is exacerbated by my partner (Mr FIFO) who hates "cooking" when we are away - interesting as he doesn't "cook" when we are home either - I guess he figures I need the break.

so the challenges are

1. Long car drive tonight (at a time I would normally be suffering from a major snack attack)

Plan: Eat mini quiches on the trip and take a big bottle of water to drink.

2. Eating out every day will cause me to over eat.

Plan: Booked into an apartment hotel with a full kitchen - So pack the food for the week. So far I have bircher brekky ready to go, and taking the ingredients to make a Korean Omelette for dinner Tuesday night. Wednesday may be harder as Mr FIFO flies in on Tuesday night - but I may send him shopping? Thursday night we are going out for dinner with friends - So this will be a treat meal. I also have extra cupcake quiches as snacks, and some snack balls made. Lunch is catered.

3. Getting in some exercise

Plan: Bike is packed and enough training gear to train daily! I have printed out and laminated this weeks key workouts (as an at home version - no equipment required) and there is always the wall sit challenge to keep me going. I have also planned in my mind when I will exercise and I have packed my bathers for good measure. Sunday next week is the City to Surf in Perth - and I will be running it.
So it is time to Grow up - be a big girl - and take control of my life.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Yes I can eat more than I train!

I had an interesting conversation with one of the doctors at work today. One for my friends was commenting on the photos from finale and I was explaining the 12wbt program. Jess was quite surprised
"surely you done need to worry about your diet with all the exercise you do!"
Alas this is not the case. I have done 4 Ironman campaigns (Ironman being an endurance triathlon involving a 3.8km swim, 180km cycle and a 42.2km run). Training can involve about 20 hours per week (although normal weeks are more like 16-18 hours for me). I can burn 1000 calories BEFORE I go to work in the morning but despite this
I have never lost a kg training for an ironman!
Seriously - who would think that is possible. This is why I need to do another round of #12WBT, to work more on my self control while I get back into my training....
This week my training has consisted of
Monday - 8km run with 10 minutes of intervals
Tuesday - 60 minute threshold test of a computer training on the bike, 4km run then the strength workout from  the program
Wednesday - 4km run then the Bend it like Bridges video (love yoga and stretching)
Thursday - Given Plasma - being a good citizen - so no training today
Friday - Sleeping in the morning but completed the at home cardio workout (man was that hard!)
Tomorrow I am going to brave the elements and go for a ride  - hopefully for about 2 hours. - Then maybe the Burn and Ignite 700 in the afternoon.
Sunday should be the day of rest - but I will train again.
Food however is a problem --- double lunch on Tuesday (the wrap just was not big enough!), Then Bookclub last night I had 2 wines and 2 slices of cake and I don't want to know how much cheese......
Time to clean up my eating act!
So here was what greeted my on the way home tonight - I added a saying I think I have modified a little but the basis is not new.....

Monday, 12 August 2013

Weekly Challenges - Week 1

So there are weekly challenges and then  there are challenging weeks.

This round I am going to have both.

Weekly challenge

This weeks challenge is one I kept up from last round - keep an inspirational board. http://pinterest.com/immeeghan/12wbt-inspirational-message-board/

I am a quote girl - I love them - I love signs and messages - I love the little girl on the ironman course at New Zealand holding a hand painted sign saying "Smile if you peed in your wetsuit" and the guys on course waving the "go random stranger" sign.

Challenges this week

So there are a number of challenges I face this week.
1.Was still travelling back from Adelaide yesterday.
2. Long car trip alone - hence opportunity to snack
3. Short busy week at work
4. Giving blood on Thursday morning - means to exercise in the morning (and light only in the afternoon)
5. Bookclub Thursday night
6. Need to organize some tri club things before the season is here and we haven't done anything.....
7. Tired from a busy weekend
8. Weather is stormy - hard to train outside.

OHH look at that - one big long list of excuses - nothing more

So I am proud of the fact that I have dusted myself off - gone for a run last night - dragged my carcass out of bed and done a power threshold test on the bike this morning (20 minutes of 2% gradient - but new threshold is 186 watts).

Now for Breakfast, prepare lunch and back to the real world.........


Saturday, 10 August 2013

round 2 finale

Oh what a night.

So #12wbtrad is done & dusted. Last night was so much fun. Finale party in Adelaide. I am so glad I made the trip.

Entry to the night was like a dazzeling circus. Bright spakling lights. I think I looked pretty good. In fact I think we all looked pretty good. Especially the and strong crew. Lean fit and healthy. 

It was fantastic to see the lean and strong who have been my family for the last round represented on screen. Lisa Farmer - aka lisabutterfly - is an inspiration to many and keeps ggrowing (well shrinking really) each round. Kath Tyndale ozgodess has been great support all round and of course gregp who was so helpful when i felt lost this round.

Special mention is also needed for emily who has been so supportive to us bloggers. So proud to have met you. 

And then we partied and danced. If you want to check out the pics we all took get on instagram. I joined for the first time this weekend and it has been fun. Especially when my pic was put up on the screen. 

Sorry about the poor quality. Blogging from my phone is not easy it has a mind of its own!

Great hanging out with royalty!

Friday, 9 August 2013

pre finale & workout

Friday night in #12wbtrad Adelaide

So arrived inAdelaide for the finale and Friday night had arranged to go to the prefinale catch up. What a great night. Meeting people like michelle and bec (from Melbourne), roz from Perth, Sheridan & Emily (who I have been following their blogs) and Kathy tindale who did a great job organizing it all. 


then Saturday had trouble finding somewhere for breakfast. Should have just bitten the bullet & got some supplies at the supermarket yesterday. Adelaide is very quiet at 7am on a Saturday in the city....

Then off to the workout. Nice 40 minute walk to the showground in the cool foggy morning air then catching up with the lean & strong crew.  Workout was quite challenging and certainly got the sweat going. finally it was a matter of joining the cue for a group photo with michelle and all the lean & strong pirates.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Early Fitness test

So with the round looming and a busy week planned next week (flying to Adelaide for the best party of the season) I got my fitness test done today.

So Lean and Strong has made me lean and strong but not fast.

1km time trial (on the same course as before) - 4:32

This is 10 seconds quicker than the first test but slower than my best ay 4:24. I also measured the course and it is a little long 1080m but it's the same every time.

I am ready to make a commitment for getting fast - all by myself. Saw this great quote on the internet and had to share

I do lots of ironman and half ironman training on my own, but clearly as Albert Einstein points out, you need to get out of the crowd to go places you don't think are possible.

An another quote which will be my mantra for the round

Free yourself from others - be the best you can be - you might surprise yourself of how far you can go.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Organization - OH NO!

This is my clincher

So the third last preseason task - organize and diarize!

So last round I:
- Got myself a file to keep everything in
- wrote out sheets of my plan for the round
- printed all the work out sheet
- started using my fitness pal and recording my food.

and for the first few weeks I followed it all very well - BUT then gradually the wheels fell off!

 * I printed all the recipes - but didn't always get them in the file.

 * Never looked at my planning sheets - to be fair this was hard to plan this round ... I didn't really know what I was in for and had no idea what goals or milestones to set - I had come from a cardio background and now I was about to spend 12 weeks doing weights!

 * Printed the workout sheets - followed the plan (pretty much every day) to the letter! Sometimes went to the gym and sometimes worked out at home - did most of the final blasts - but definitely noticed my endurance fitness has gone.

 * Managed to maintain myfitnesspal for about 6 weeks (from memory) then it all got too hard, Interestingly this coincided with the stalemate in my weight loss! Surely there isn't a link....

So time to get organized!

I need to work on a meal plan (and stick to it)

Friday nights will be make a plan night (starting tonight)
- I have a food planning sheet - that sticks to my fridge
Breakfast lunch and dinner planned  - shopping list written ready for the shop on Saturday.

I have updated my half ironman program from last year - this is going to be my plan for the next 12 weeks (or so) in preparation for the Mandurah half ironman (known as a 70.3). This is what I am going to base most of my training on. I need to make a bit of a plan - mark the red flag days and make some plans for when I am away (which will be a few times this round!!!)

So lets see how I go. I tend to be a chaotic person at times! I gets lots of things done and people think I am organized - but I am not and I need to be

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Kitchen Makeover

So no need to do this - or is there??

This round I promise myself to be better organized.

I did spend the weekend cleaning out the freezer - It was accumulating things that I wasn't using.

This round I am going to try and slim down my shopping bill.... and eat smarted as well as healthier.

Shopping as a single shop is still causing me problems

So I am going to mark things in my Freezer better - and get better organized to defrost things to use the day before. This is going to be an extra challenge as the training kicks up - and I get tired!

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Say it loud - Time to commit!

My Commitment is:

To eat clean - no more inappropriate snacks
Swap the bag of chips for a snack ball


 and have

My commitment is to train hard most days but train every day (except my rest day each week)
Stick to the program - Hang in there Ride, Run and Swim when I should. Get up early and go to bed early and just do it.... don't think too hard. Stretch every week and not neglect my core (or my other muscles I have build in the last 12 weeks).

I commit to being the best I can be and striving to be better every day

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Gear up - I had better not!

Gear up time

So it's gear up time - I can tick this off straight away.

I already have

1. enough workout clothes (in good condition) to exercise for a week without washing. Although some are getting a little loose! Might need to reassess that. and shoes - time to update - Like to do this every 6 months or so.

2. Heart rate monitor (simple Polar), and bike computer and GPS monitor (garmin 310XT as it is the only one that last for 20 hours) which also has a heart rate monitor.

3. Well set up home Gym

Weights range from 1kg to 8kg in dumbbells plus some which take plates that go to 15kg. Barbell of various weights from a light pump style one to a "normal" 10kg one. plus plates from 1.25kg to 25kg. - enough to squat more than 130kg if I was crazy enough to try. Squat rack is useful as a bench option and means I can do heavier leg weights. Also provides a bar for pull ups. I am slowly mastering the chin-ups but dips still scare me.

5. Gym membership - Tick - already got this.
6. Spots to train - going to be following a half ironman program lots of the time and I am actually looking forward to a crisp cool morning with sun rising over the bay - truly breathtaking

Sunday, 21 July 2013


So it is goal setting time

This time I am going to shout it out loud - on a blog - at least some of the world to see (actually there is probably no one looking at the blog)

One Month Goal

S - Run the city to surf
M - Complete the whole run (time not important as I will be running with my partner)
A - I know I can do this (in fact it will be a little soft)
R - Yep it's realistic
T - This is a set date.

This should be an easy goal.

One month from program start

S - Complete the 1km time in 4:20
M - timing is easy
A - Not sure about this being achievable but it is only just short of my best time (4:26)
R - I think another 6 seconds is realistic - but I had better not set these goals too much.
T - Fitness test week is fixed so there is a time constraint.

Three month goal

S- Ironman Mandurah in a PB (preferably sub 5:30) - allowances would be made for conditions
M - timed event so this is easy
A - I definitely still have improvement and besides I am now 8kg lighter than before....
R - Again I think the greatest limit in my life is me - not anything or anyone else. I am not good at pushing myself so I have greater capacity than I use.
T - Again this is a fixed time - so this is set in stone.

Six month goal

Albany Half ironman - and actually finish this time

12 month goal

Enter another ironman ??
and potentially 70.3 in Cairns - lots of fun travelling :) 

So how am I going to get there

I am just going to try - stick to my programs - get out of bed and put in some efforts!

Will keep you all posted.