Saturday, 10 August 2013

round 2 finale

Oh what a night.

So #12wbtrad is done & dusted. Last night was so much fun. Finale party in Adelaide. I am so glad I made the trip.

Entry to the night was like a dazzeling circus. Bright spakling lights. I think I looked pretty good. In fact I think we all looked pretty good. Especially the and strong crew. Lean fit and healthy. 

It was fantastic to see the lean and strong who have been my family for the last round represented on screen. Lisa Farmer - aka lisabutterfly - is an inspiration to many and keeps ggrowing (well shrinking really) each round. Kath Tyndale ozgodess has been great support all round and of course gregp who was so helpful when i felt lost this round.

Special mention is also needed for emily who has been so supportive to us bloggers. So proud to have met you. 

And then we partied and danced. If you want to check out the pics we all took get on instagram. I joined for the first time this weekend and it has been fun. Especially when my pic was put up on the screen. 

Sorry about the poor quality. Blogging from my phone is not easy it has a mind of its own!

Great hanging out with royalty!


  1. Looks like you guys had a fab time in Adelaide... and the phone blogging seems to have gone well... as a typist I'm completely hopeless on the phone

  2. So glad you had a great night Meeghan! Nice to have met in person. Hope the boost from the finale weekend carries you through round 3.

  3. Ahh you looked amazing on Saturday night! I'm glad that you had a good time! It was so lovely to meet you on Friday, and your blog is looking great!

  4. Thanks Sheridan and Emily

    I was great to meet you all. Looking forward to keeping in touch with everyone.
