Sunday, 10 November 2013

The good the bad and the ugly -

So I writing this from Perth. First the good.

I did really well on the weekend. I had travelled to Perth to compete in the Mandurah half ironman (called a 70.3). It was a really hot day and although I had been running well I hadn't really been riding or swimming especially well.

Its funny how the day can go with ironman (including half) racing. The swim is best described as tide assisted - not as strong a tide as last year but solid all the same and amazingly I did a similar time. Maybe the bit of training I had done has paid off.

So on my bike and into the headwind of about 20-30km on the outward bound course. Was pretty happy with how I was riding. Passing a number of other competitors. Found myself swapping lead with a guy called Tristan that I did the same with at Busselton in May. New fast wheels made a difference as despite the head wind I did a smashing time of 2.41 for the bike. Quicker than last year.

By now it was heating up and I could already feel the sun burning my skin (yes I did put lots of sunscreen on but it doesn't seems to help). After my smashing bike leg I had no legs to run and by the time I got to the first aid station at about 2.5km in I was hot.... damn hot.... and in a bad place. Looks like my day was done and at this point I was wondering how I was even going to finish. I suspect when I look at my garmin information later it will show me in quite a bit of distress at this point in time. I struggles along through the next segments to the aid station at about 5km. Here they had the hose out and I hosed myself down, threw ice down my top, drank some water and had some watermelon. So coming out of this station I felt alive again. Maybe I could do this.

I continued to manage the heat as best I could. Walking all the aid stations. I have a "Meeghans rule" this is - its ok to walk all the aid stations and you are still in the aid station for as long as you still have a cup in your hand. Sometimes you need to hold the cup longer than others! I was moving pretty slow compared to how I had been running. I had hoped to run a sub 2 hour half but knew pretty quickly that that was never happening today. On the second lap I was travelling OK, but doing it tough like everyone else and I figured I had missed my chance for a pb. Then I realised that I was actually 2km closer to the finish that I had thought. I could do this I just had to run 3km in 20 minutes.... easy.

So I kicked myself along, told my self not to be such a princess and run strong to the finish - complete with calves threatening to cramp. Then in the finish line while putting a fist in the air to celebrate my PB, I tripped over my weary feet and fell on my knee. Spectacular fall.... not sure if the photographer got it? but could make for a great shot.

So the Good is a PB I had nothing left 5:27 and change 5 minutes quicker than Busselton in May on a tougher day.

So the Bad aint so bad I was hoping to make the world championships and I missed a roll down spot by a tantalizingly close 1 place. If there was one more female place up for grabs I would have got it. I am still really proud of my achievement in coming 10th in my age group and my time would have put higher than this in many other event.

Then the Ugly. This weekend has had some challenges. I got to Perth Friday to find my father in a bad way. Took him straight to ED and by Saturday morning he was in ICU in Armadale then transferred to the Mount Hospital. I spoke to him and said I was still going to compete. He was proud of me and how I went. So now I need to spend some time away from home to sort out some things and help my mum out a bit. Training is going to be challenging at the moment. Haven't got many work out clothes with me (or many clothes at all) and running is going to be a problem with my knee - which is sore from my finishing line stack. But I can control my diet.

There are going to be some challenges ahead - although I think some of this is going to count as beyond my control excuses.


  1. Wow Meeghan! There's some great news in that post!! Congrats on the PB, and in such challenging conditions, and overcoming pain/injury/tiredness/sunburn etc. bummer on missing the spot in the worlds. And not great news about your dad- enjoy your time in Perth with them, hope he gets better soon.

  2. Thanks Sheridan, managed to control my food intake yesterday. One step at a time.
