Monday, 7 April 2014

Ahh recovery week - its all about the mindset

Training in a competitive way is about balance - like everything else in life. I suppose I am a competitive athlete although that was not what I was ever aiming to be - or how I look at myself.

So we will just assume that lots of the world will look at me as a serious athlete.....

There are several things I have learnt on my journey to be a serious athlete

1. Have a plan

I use a training plan and have done for years in various form. I started with a generic program we used at the club. This was lots of fun, lots of coffee after some great rides and runs. All very social. Then for my first ironman I borrowed a friends program and after my first I got a program of my own. I now also have a half program that is individualised. Individualised plans are definitely better but one thing I have learned is that no one ever gets everything done on a plan..... but it is the consistency that matters. Doing a smaller amount more regularly gets results more than cramming. In fact I have a saying -

" Ironman is not a test you can cram for " 
So a plan is important and keeping consistent is also really important. this time I am using my old half ironman plan - I have missed quite a few sessions but I also know that quality is more important that quantity.

This week is a recovery week so I am going to have a light week as planned. I will be perhaps a little more than planned but I am feeling like I am going OK and there is no point "flogging" myself and then getting too tired to put in the effort I need next week when I am sharpening up.

2. No you can't eat whatever you want - no matter how much you train

This is such a sad fact. I can eat more when I train but I have managed to do 15-20 hours of vigorous training a week without losing any weight! This is a sad but true fact. People often ask me about supplements. I have to say I am not a fan. I love food. Why would I "skip" eating food and take a supplement! I don't understand it. I know lots of people think that we need supplements as our soils are depleted in this or that but I eat a really wide variety of foods and I think my diet is pretty balanced. For this reason I don't take supplements only the occasional vitamin D (don't show much skin when I train) and some magnesium if I am getting lots of cramps.

Key things for me if I am hungry seems to be protein. Yoghurt or a tin of tuna. Lots of protein based breakfast. Don't do a big training without food - it just doesn't work so I have a piece of toast before I head off for a 3 hours bike ride or I take food with me. Also don't get hungry eat small amounts and often.

3. Mindset is the key to life and success

Not quite "the secret" style believe and it will be but more dream and it could be. There is a great saying that if you say you can or you say you can't chances are you will be right either way. The thing I love about the 12WBT program and part of why I keep doing the program. Yeah yeah we all know these things but somehow we don't do it.... So we seem to be reminded regularly.

Set your goals - but make them realistic and measurable.
Be the adult - not the teenager who has been left alone with the fridge for the first time
stick to the plan but be kind to yourself

We all deserve success but we need to work for it more some times than others.

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